Monday, November 5, 2007

Back By Popular Demand?!

Who are these people? Market Day is Back - apparently by popular demand. This is a program where you can order "restaurant quality and bulk supply name brand products to be picked up directly from convenience of your school [directly from convenience of your school? That's what it says!] once a month. 10% of each sale goes to our school, which adds up quickly." Apparently, if I spend $100 on food from Market Day this month, my teacher will receive 100 points. It is also strongly recommended that I buy a pie to donate to a local shelter. The pies range from $9 to $11 each. This all sounds lovely, but...I'll put in the spreadsheet that I have rejected $35 each month, which seems to be the suggested minimum order, per the "frequent buyers" program.

I am going to turn in $12 for the D.A.R.E. dinner. Advertising pays off - I think I received 10 fliers about this event!