Sunday, April 13, 2008

Fund Raisers - 3; Mommy - 0

Last week, Velveeta cheese wasn't enough. It turned out that several parents didn't send anything in for the Fiesta, so a last-minute plea came home to please empty your pantry of anything Rotel or corn chip, etc! We sent in a $1 can of Rotel, but also dropped by the classroom for any last-minute, last-minute requests. They also needed paper plates, and for $1.89, we delivered!!!! It's nice to feel like a hero sometimes :-).

Remember the Basket Raffle? It's getting cranked up, now. I've still only spent $1 in actual cash, but much, much more in time! Maybe I'll post a photo of the completed basket in a few weeks!

So I'm 0 for 3 on Pinching Pennies this week. But worthwhile expenditures one and all! Spreadsheet is updated with the entire $3.89.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Help - I'm buried under a sea of paper!

Velveeta cheese: classroom request. (They're studying Mexico...still haven't made the connection? It's time to make some queso.) $3.99 plus tax.

Family Trivia Night: second try. The last one was canceled due to lack of interest. I personally am still not interested. $10 rejected fund raisers.

Camp Invention: now this sounds cool! But we just can't afford to do everything that sounds cool. $130 for a one-week day camp if you are among the first 50 to register. After that $205. It really sounds great - teaching kids to think creatively by inventing new ways to play old games, etc.

That's all for tonight. I've got to get my head above water, no, paper!!