Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Trivial "Expenses"

Saturday night is Trivia Night. Admission is $5 per person...I'm not sure if that's adults only or if kids are supposed to come along. I'll not be making it to that fund-raiser. $20 into the R column of the spreadsheet. Not sure where the anticipated funds are going. The latest email sounded kind of desperate, though. Chance of cancellation, etc. Fund-Raiser Fatigue, maybe?
It's time for another "Market Day" order. But I think I already posted my whole year's worth of non-participation in that to the spreadsheet. Side note: in the Market Day note there is a heartfelt diatribe on how we need to cook our meals at home instead of eating out all of the time. We are then encouraged to order this "restaurant quality" prepared food from Market Day...I'm confused. So is it cooking at home or not?????

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Just Paper Towels

I bought three rolls of paper towels - another school supply that had been exhausted in AD's classroom. I got them on clearance because they were "holiday" towels. I found three rolls that had snowmen on them. That'll do.

I'm also sending in a pair of scissors. How, pray tell, does one lose scissors?

I'm not putting those into the spreadsheet, though, because they are just a pair we had lying around the house and I have no idea of a dollar amount. The paper towels are in there, though. At a grand total of $2.25.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Thankfully, not much to report!

Or maybe I'm just getting complacent. I'm sure there has been some form that I have just ignored and tossed into the recycling bin...
I've contributed a few school supplies because the classroom was running low. A couple of dollars for glue, paper towels and some extra pencils out of our pencil drawer at home!
I also had to send in a new coloring book. AD's book had been stolen by a classmate who didn't do a great job of scratching out our name in the book. At any rate, I ended up promising the kid a book of his own if he would please not steal from us. So both kiddos started January with new coloring books. That was a total of $4.
We also ran out of lunch money, so that account was re-stocked with $70 to hopefully get us through the rest of the year!
Oh - and it's time to sign up for baseball. That will be $70 plus the mandatory $25 fundraising ticket to a Cardinal's game. That's not through the school, it's through the city. But the note came home in the backpack, so it's fair game and part of the clutter.
That's all for now. I'm sure the requests for money will pick up in the springtime.

I'll put all of these into the spreadsheet.