August 3 expenses: This was "tax-free" weekend in Missouri, so I saved around 8% on these purchases. See the attached school supply list. I skipped a couple of items, thinking I had them at home, but alas, they were not the right ones, so a follow-up shopping trip was made on August 19.

August 16 expenses: This was "meet the teacher" night at our school. We paid $5 to join the PTO. (I don't think I ever did join that last year.) And then we put $80 on our son's school lunch card. At $2 per lunch, this should last a couple of months...assuming he doesn't buy breakfast. I think we'll reject the a la carte option, which would also allow him to buy cookies, ice cream and gatorade - at his own discretion...REALLY? WOW! He's six!
August 19 expenses: I feel obligated to comment on the school clothes that we bought this year. This was incredibly extravagant spending on school clothes for our family. We usually spend next to nothing on clothes. I just want it to be noted here that we did opt out of buying new shoes, because our son has at least 4 pair that he can wear to school right now, and it felt silly to buy new ones just because everyone else will have new shoes. When I relayed that story to a friend, she gave us a pair of VERY lightly used Heelys that we can use - without the wheels - to look like we have new shoes like everyone else. Plus the WHeelys are entertaining to try at home!
August 20 expenses: Finally, the first day of school! Our son lost his $80 lunch card. Gotta find that! We sent a $3 check today for the class parties. This was listed on our district's school supply list. Tonight we have a 1/2" stack of paperwork to peruse, fill out and return. Included in that was kids' accident insurance that we could purchase for $40 for the entire year. What a bargain!? Won't our regular insurance cover that? No thank you to that one. Our first rejected expenditure...that and the a la carte, which I will calculate at easily $1 per day, 174 school days, whew!
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