Monday, September 17, 2007

September 17

I've been away for a while, and fallen behind on the papers coming home from school. So I have a few items to add to the spreadsheet:
1. School pictures - the undeniable school pictures. The "decide what you want before the picture is even taken" school pictures. But you have to get something, right? There are packages that range from $12.75 to $41, plus add ons: additional 8x10's are $9, retouching costs $5.
2. Spirit wear - I didn't buy any last year, and then, the day after it came in, they had a "spirit day" where everyone was to wear their Green Tree Elementary School wear. I felt bad, since AD had none. So I was going to buy some this year, but according to the note it is already too late. It was too late the night the note came home. So that's $10 I don't have to spend!
3. Finally, there is the fall fun run. I don't know whether we will do this or not, but it is only $1 per person.
That's all for tonight - I'll keep you posted!

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