Friday, December 7, 2007

A Whole Month!

I don't think it has actually been a whole month since there was a request for money. It's just that I've been busy. Here's what I have:
1. I bought some paper plates for a class craft project. Can't find that receipt now...darn. Let's say it was $3.00. It was probably more than that.
2. Got a letter requesting contributions for a class gift for the teacher. Not going to participate this year. We got her our own $10 gift. (Our classic movie pack.)
3. Same letter asked for $1 contribution for a gift the kids are making for their parents. Is it really a gift if we are paying for it??
4. Speaking of paying for my own gift, I sent money today for the holiday gift shop so that AD could buy something for me, dad and brother. He generously contributed $3 of his own, so I added $5 to each of his dollars for a total of $18.
5. The kids are building mini gingerbread houses at school. We were asked to provide thin Twizzlers. Got a pack of those for $1.83 plus tax.
6. I already picked up my plates and napkins for the winter holiday party. Those cost a total of $7.62 plus tax.
7. Oh, and I almost forgot - I've been doing these adorable bulletin boards with the kids' pictures. Last month I had each child's photo looking like a Pilgrim and the teacher looking like a Native American. This month, I have a tinsel tree with the teacher as the star at the top and each child as an ornament on the tree. I think it's cute! Only problem is I'm paying for the photo paper and ink for all of these pictures. In the spreadsheet I'll include $10.95 for the paper, but nothing for the ink.
8. And this week AD was the star of the week. That means we had to put together a poster of pictures about himself. I tried not to spend too much on that, but I had to use black foam core and not just a sheet of poster board...I couldn't help myself! Being star of the week also means that he gets to treat the whole class to snacks today. We bought fruit roll ups and Lego fruit snacks. That cost $10.38 plus tax.
9. Now I'm just getting started with this week's notes:

Holiday Night Lights - $7 per car. Probably won't do this. We'll see...
Breakfast with Santa - $11 per child, $6 per adult. No thanks.
Holiday Extravaganza - $4 per person. This actually sounds kind of interesting and includes a pancake breakfast.

Ugh. It's going to take me forever to tally all of this in the spreadsheet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another good entry. Thank you for keeping track of where the money's going!