Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I'm Soooooo Tired

More money. This one isn't asking US for money. It's asking us to submit seven addresses so that our friends and family can be approached directly by Time, Inc. for money. So if you get a card from AD with magazine offers, PLEASE do not feel obligated! However, maybe you'll find a good deal in there for a subscription you want, who knows?

A couple of re-scheduled fund raisers have been appearing in the backpack this week. McTeacher's night at McDonald's was previously snowed out. We already showed that as $10 rejected in the spreadsheet, I think. Also rescheduled due to snow was the $5 movie night at the school. We already accepted and recorded that one last month. So while we are being bombarded with fund-raiser-ish propaganda, there really isn't too much to add to the totals for tonight.

Just for the record, I've added $24 to the rejected fundraisers column for the cookie dough that we are not buying. And I recorded the $14 that we did spend on Silver Graphics art items. The current running total in the spreadsheet is $719.35 accepted / $1718.55 rejected for a potential total of $2437.90 that we could have spent on our son's free public education so far this school year.

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