Monday, May 26, 2008

Now What??

It's Memorial Day. No school. No requests for money. I did just spend $10 on a gift card for the teacher as an end-of-year thank you. It has been a good year. My son has learned so much. And I have learned so much, too. And I've kept a blog. This was completely foreign territory to me in August. And now, not only do I know how to "do" a blog, I also know how much money I've spent on incidentals for my son's Free Public Education! Perhaps at the end of next week I'll retire this mundane record and keep a new more interesting blog of the goings-on in our lives. For posterity. We'll see...

But this one's not over yet. AD just mentioned that he would like us to order a yearbook for him. On March 3, I listed the yearbook as $12 rejected. That was the price for a personalized yearbook. I said then that I might regret that decision. If we can still get one, I'll have to move $10 of that to the accepted column of the spreadsheet now. We'll leave the $2 personalization fee under "rejected books."

And I miscalculated how many school lunches he would buy for the rest of the year, so I've got to add another $2 to the lunch column for Domino's Pizza day this week!

I'll be out all week, but look for one more post to close out our school year.

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